Finished riveting the left tank ribs as well as flared and ran the vent line, installed the fuel sender hardware and PRC'd everything including the nut plates. Don't want any leaks what so ever.


Accomplished the vent line bracket and bent it upwards slightly to the highest locating of the tank.

Installed the Z brackets and baffle and leak testing. Here's how I did it! Cap off the 9/16 vent line, smear a little fuel-lube around the cap, install the fuel drain and rig up a balloon on the outlet. Just blow into the fuel drain and there you go. Just soap and water the rivet heads as required.

Started  prepping for the top wing skin instulation. Etched, alodined, and primed inbrd, outbrd and wing walk doubler.

Rived inbrd, and doubler skins. My buddy Joe on the gun and there's me bucking. Thanks Joe please don't forget me on the next wing.



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